Door Sign
This is a door sign that can be adapted to any animal....
A client had requested an image of her own pet to be drawn as a Father’s Day gift for her Husband. This particular dog was time consuming because of the multi-coloured brindle coat. I was exceptionally happy with how this turned out considering the amount of detail it required. The client was thrilled.
This is her version:”When we made the decision to get a new puppy, we said that this time around we would not let the dog on the furniture, he wouldn’t sleep on our bed, and no ‘people-food’ for him. Yeah, right!! The first night home, he cried and cried. My husband went to sleep with him on the couch. The second night, I was on the couch with him. On the third day, we went to buy him a crate, which we brought into our room so he could sleep near us. After crying for what seemed like hours (but was probably more like 20 minutes) he was on the bed, and he’s been there ever since. He’s also been on the furniture, and absolutely loves people-food. We ended up giving the crate away.